Clinch Fighting

One technique many fighters use is help keep a superior fighter at bay is the clinch fighting tactic and clinch holds. This is where the fighters gets inside and tries to prevent his opponent from backing away and getting into a better fighting position to strike. At the same time that the clinching is going on the fighter can use his knees, elbows and hands to hit the opponent from close range in many different areas of the body.

Judokas and wrestlers usually use the clinch moves so they can get closer to their opponent and use their wrestling tactics combined with some boxing as well. The judokas and wrestlers use the type of clinching as a means to help neutralize an opponent that may be superior in striking as a stand up fighter and to prevent opponents from attempting takedowns, also the Muay Thai fighters us the clinch to help their accuracy in using their elbows and knees because of being able to control their opponents positioning.

This type of fighting can be frowned up by superior fighters and by the public since the want to see a bout that is more competitive and that has more action. But the technique helps to equalize the strengths of each opponent and puts the two on more level playing field. Combat sports take strength and stamina but using your mind to creat doubt and problems in your opponents mind can go a long way in evening up the advantage a superior opponent may have.



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